Some questions

11 years, 7 months ago by GauraLilaDas in Hot Topics

Dear Maharaja, 

I've been thinking about you lately (feeling like you have my a very positive impact on my young spiritual life) and I also have some possibly trivial questions for you... in any case I'll go for it!

What is the signifigance and/or meaning of the white bead bag? I've been told by disciples of BV Narayana Maharaja that it is an important symbol of a gaudiya vaisnava in the line of Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada. Any thoughts or illuminations?

              HpS - AGTSP.   paoho.  I've heard that we should only use white bead bags because Tulsi is a lady and so She should not be kept in a Safron colored bead bag.  But the source of this comment is not at ALL clear.   I've heard many things from the disciple so Swami ABC but then investigating them they are not at all substantiated by Swami ABC.   I fall prey to the same Urban Myth syndrome so how can I criticise others, but I hope to eliminate it.

Also, looking at inumerable pictures of Prabhupada I practically speaking NEVER see a white bead-bag. If it appears white his dhoti also appears white.   So, ISKCON B'cari and Sannyasi standard is safron as far as I can understan.

Some time ago you mentioned in a reply to one of my questions that you are involved in translating Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada's "Anuvrtti" commentary of Upadesamrta, any news on that? I'm really curious!

            HpS - No, we were never translating it. Other projects with Upadesamrta contemplated but nothing happening with anyone now.  All our current stuff is mentioned here on the Blog is DTC, Hot Topics, Itenarary.

Also, I have read BV Narayana Maharaja's tranlsations of the previous commentaries and have found them to be very beautiful and illuminating! But what do you think of BR Sridhara Maharaja's commentary?

               HpS - Just read the first one and it was quite nice.   Trying to read the rest.

Okay thank you for your time! Much love and respect to you dear Maharaja :)

your servant, Gaura-lila Dasa (Rtadhvaja Swami)

        HpS - ASA -  Sri Sri Radha Kala-chandji Ki Jai.    You had university programs going, no?    How are those.