Argentina-Latin American NIOS Tour

11 years, 10 months ago by Ambarisa Maharaja Das in Calendar Development

HARE KRSNA AGTSP All glories to you Guru Dev And your Sankirtana to serve Srila Prabhupada s misssion !!

PAMHO _______ò__

today 8 of may i was talking with Gunagrahi maharaja about your visit to Argentina. he say that it is very nice that you can visit us from 20 or 22 of november to 14 of december (aprox).

and will we better if you can give the BG class beside the SB to not distract the devotees to go to book distribution in the december maratoon. and he will tray to spend at least 2 days in Bs As to have your association and talk.

we are preparing your visit working toghether with chile, Peru And mexico to organize better, sure that Abhirama Thakur Prabhu tolk to you about that.

we can organize programs in important cultural centers, probably in the university of architecture (UBA), Radio show, inter faith dialogue, and others option that we have to check. 

 thank you for engage us in service

trying to serve your servent Ambarisa das

                  ASA - AGTSP   Of course, we just talked on Skype after yousent this letter, and we made the point, that we aren't sure how much we travel we can do because of our age, and also because we have to stay in one place to some degree to write.  Many people are asking for books from us now.   But these dates for Argentina and relation with the Temple are very nice - last week in November and first two weeks in December.

All this has to be part of a significant international educational program, not just informal physical visit.  Our thought is to define some good themes in Light of the Bhagavata, Cultivation of the Human Spirit, and then organize symposium on those in a Latin American tour to present the written contributions of professors, devotees...  then publish and distribute it all as a book, audio books.
NIOS can be the responsible agent.
We are going to have no time for anything else as this gets moving. All prosperity will come.  We won't change the whole world but we will stop things from getting any worse and we will get a LOT of people and towns invovled.  That is our estimate.

What themes attract you all?

We like Sankhya (which folds into Arquitecture well) and the Song of Solomon and Rupa Goswami.

If you know any business people get them involved from their perspective to make it a good business!