Request to Chant your "Pranam Mantra"

11 years, 9 months ago by msrinu in Other

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Recently, we have seen your pictures Maharaj (posted from Mumbai) and you appear little weak. Please take care of your health Maharaj.

Maharaj, we have been following the 4 regulative principles and chanting minimum 16 rounds for past 4 years, attending Bhakti Vriksha every week, listening to lectures and reading Prabhupada books.

And we also attending the "Disciple Course (Bhaktivedanta online course)" and will be done in 3 more weeks.

We expressed our deeptest desire to take your shelter when you were in Richmond last September and it's been 8 months and we would like to request your permission to chant your "Pranam Mantra".

Radhika Raman Prabhu is here at our home and he can help us in this regard.

Awaiting for your Mercy.

Your humble servants,

-Srinivasa and Kameswari

               HpS - Jaya!     AGTSP...  So nice to hear from you Mr. Srinvasa of Richmond and esteemed family and esteemed friends.   You can see from the Kapi Dhvaja and the Blog that we are in Spain.    June 1st we are in USA and our cell phone should be working.           Plan is to visit Virginia en September.           ISKCON law is that you can start chanting the acharya's mantra when you are a formal aspirant. That just requires a letter of recomendation from your local Temple President or other person in that capacity.

We feel that any respect to us is like 99.999% due to Srila Prabhupada's miracle, sacrifice to make even a dog take part in his Sankirtana and dance in ecstacy.