Abstract - Rabindra Bh. Lecture

11 years, 8 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Abstract – Rabindra-bharati University
2013 April 26

Hanumatpresaka Swami (Professor Huber Hutchin Robinson)

Sankhya and a New Direction for Modern Science
Before the time of Sir Isaac Newton there was a battle between the Alchemists and the Mechanical Philosophers over whose discipline would be the King of the Sciences. The Mechanical Philosophers won, so Physics has become the normative science in the West. However, it also includes a Cosmology, Ontology and generates specific moral standards. For example, is abortion healthy or unhealthy?

There is an ongoing debate in Oxford between the leading scientists and theologians, and among others in the world, that peace, prosperity and fraternity in the world can only come when we improve our scientific view of life.

The speaker has had success in presenting the Sankhya of Kapila deva from the 3rd Canto of the esteemed Srimad Bhagavata Purana as an excellent way for science to go ahead. He will incidentally clarify the distinction between the Bhagavata Sankhya of Sri Caitanya’s tradition and the Sankhya of Isvara Krsna Das.

In the majority he will give a probably novel and detailed explanation of this Bhagavata Sankhya with correspondence to accepted Western scholars such as Carl G. Jung and E. T. Hall. Of course the question should arise, what is the position of Music, Dance and Drama as sciences within this context.