Hare Krishna!! from Argentina

11 years, 10 months ago by danielfrozero in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna
All glories toSri Guru and Sri Gauranga
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Dear Gurudeva!

Please accept my obeisances
I hope you are well ud

I'm Devarsi from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

           HpS - ASA  -  Jaya!!!!!!!    AGTSP.....    So, nice to hear from you!!!

I was absent from the blog, several months ago.
The last time I talked to was in chile units last year.
I'm on the night shift manager at the restaurant of the temple"Naturaleza Divina".
It is going well, many people take prasadam daily and is interested in Krishna consciousnessand invite them to the partySunday. But go out very late and is difficult for me
  I know it's not a good time to have a more orderly practice my sadhana, because I cannot get up early for sleeping so late.
Just talk about this difficulty and allow me to work in the morning again and I'll be able to organize myself better about it. Krishna always makes the arrangements.
We are composing and producing music for Krishna with some devotees. The idea is to produce an album of bhajans with some devotees of the congregation. We need your blessings.

          ASA - It's interesting.  The first restaurant was in Philedelphia and the manager said that it was closing at like 9PM and then it took an hour for the devotees to wash everything and so they did not get to bed before 10.30PM and so they could not come to Mangala arati, but Prabhupada said that, "No, they must come to Mangala arati. Then they can take a nap later in the day!"  He also said there should be a book display and gave a recipe for roasted grains that would taste and act like coffee.

As we realize that Krishna is pleased with us?

        HpS - Don't understand?

In our service sometimes there are difficulties,we must take it as mercy or as a proof of God?

        HpS - Sometimes it is mercy and we take it as difficulty by mistake. Other times it is test of our sincerity and other times it is the demons trying to stop us....

Thanks for reading my letter Guru Maharaja and for giving their time
Please forgive my offenses
sorry for my bad bad english

I am at your eternal service
Devarsi Narada das


              HpS - Jaya!    And Hari-nama Sankirtana also, no??