11 years, 10 months ago by David Ananda in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to Sri Krishna Caitanya Sankirtan movement!.

Thank you Maharaja for your answer. This is David, from Argetina, but I think there was a confusion, I´ve never had the grace to talk to you by skype good sir. Thank you so so much to allow me to do a question to you, I need some advise...
I do have a baby Tulasi plant, and you know, Buenos Aires Weather is not the best for Tulasi so I am doing a big big effort to  make to stay with me ... I am feeling so worried about it , I do not want to build this offence (If she leaves Her body) as I have promised to take care of Her.
Also, some devotees told me that is better to have deities at home first, Tulasi is difficult in the beginnig. I do not have deities yet, but I am preparing a room for Goura Nitay and waiting for some Laksmi to build the fourniture and Deities...

I just want to know, what do you think about it Maharaja? Have I done things wrong?. I Do love Tulasi and love Her as my daugther (I have adaughter called Alma, she is 9 months old) but maybe I am not ready yet .... Let me add a picture of myself and my Daughter last Sunday at Buenos Aires mandire´s Kirtan with HH Gunagrahi Dasa! All glories to Your lotus feet Maharaja. All glories to Gouranga! Nityananda!.

Thanks for this possibility, thanks for your kind mood and nice welcome to you as Siksa Guru, thanks for taking this responsibility and allow me to open my heart to you. I will do anything you tell me, your advice will be my dharma Maharaja. Hare Krishna!

HpS - ASA -  Jaya!   Thank you your letter.     It is O.K. to try to keep Tulasi.

1. She likes association - Keep Her with you, not in an expensive green house all alone.

2. She likes warmth.  Touch Her soil. If it's cold, She's not happy.  Put an electric hot-pad or something on Her base.

3. She needs sunlight.

4.  She is flexible about water.  Can be robust amount everyfew days but every day some is good.

                Good Luck!