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11 years, 10 months ago by nityasevaka in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Sirla Prabhupada.

 Thousands of thanks for you responding me, Maharaja.

 Thanks you to talk with Yadunandana Swami Maharaja and Jayanta prabhu about my initiation, and put it easy for me. It’s a great responsibility for me, and I only hope to serve better than be possible to you, to Sirla Prabhupa. Only be servant of servant of servant …

 The last weekend I was with Yadunandana Swami in the Bhakti Sastri Course and we talked about the possible date of the initation. Yadunandana Swami said me that he had to get dates and he’ll contact with you to talk about at this point. Thank you again to put it easy. I’m nobody to get much attention from devotes like You, Yadunandana Swami or Jayanta Prabhu. I’m not whorthy and I hope to correspond you with my heartfelt service.

 I’m already put your picture on my altar, between Sirla Prabhupa (more prominent) and Yadunandana Swami (Siksa guru as well), is that ok?. I send you a picture of altar home.

 My sadhana is going well. I’m waking up at 5:30 (I would like more early – step by step) to Arati, reading Srimad Bhagavatam and chanting Japa (6 rounds early in the morning). Japa: 20-22 rounds per day last week. Four regulative principles, working … but ok. I’m feeling strong,

 Furthermore, my wife, Susattva, who has the same history like me, she was talking with Yadunandana Swami and Jayanta Prabhu yesterday, because she would like to take shelter in your lotus feet too. So they don’t have any problem with that, and they said her contact with you to present to you, to ask you shelter officially, etc. She’s a good devotee. Her service is helping with marketing and publicity in the Bhaktivedanta Spanish Institutte with me, she’s washing Sirla Prabhupada’s clothes and Goura Nitay’s tissues of  Madrid’s Temple and she’s very integrated with the other devotees.

Well, I suppose she write you soon.

 This week I’ll try to connect with “Japa Joe” and if you want I hope chant Hare Krisna … too.

 I don’t take you any more time, Maharaja.

 Please, forgive me if I offended you something.

 Thank you, thank you for all.

 Your aspirant to serve you, Nityasevaka.

              HpS - Jaya!    AgtSP.....     We are in our last three days in Australia.  It has been soooo intense.           Brother Ass is 65-USA years old and we are learning how to adjust our service.      We have not heard dates from Yadu Swami yet, but we should hear them soon.      We see letter from your esteemed wife.  We will answer.       Prabhupada says that Initiation is just a simple practical thing. We promise to engage in fixed devotional service and Krsna promises to give us all help necessary to return to Him!    Big adventure!             No bigger adventure!

Altar looks fine!  Maybe pray to Krsna for a nice wooden altar, ornate!