11 years, 9 months ago by om.kesavaya in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Maharaja:

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Please accept my humbles obeisences unto your lotus feet.

   As you probably know, here in La Paz- Bolivia we have 8 students who practicaly finished the BS studies. Most of them are ready to have the final examination. I'm preparing the final test according your guides from your instructions(TPP, Final evaluation). So please, is important your benedicction to go ahead. Some of them will need more preparation, and probably will take the course again, but others are really ready to recieve the Bhakti Sastri  Degree. I hope will be possible for them to receive the  diploma from your hands in your next visit to this country.

   We are really expecting your mercy to continuos serving Krishna.

All glories to you dear Spiritual Master.

  Your humble servant:

    Om  kesavaya das (La Paz Bolivia)

HpS -  ................  SO nice to talk with you.  We met your good son some where recently!!!!  Where was that!            You are not certified center, no?  Only LIma.  SO you have to co-ordinate with Patraka Das, Candra mukhi...  Ultimately Mother Rohini Devi Dasi as the administrator for the ISKCON Board of Examiners.  Of course the real test is at the time of death.  We are working our our South American calendar right now.  But actually we are with you as soon as we read these letters and can answer!!