Visit Barcelona

11 years, 11 months ago by sriradhedd in Calendar Development

Dear Hanumatpresaka Swami,

Please accept my respectful obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Thanks for the DTC's and blog answers those are very inspiring.
Your respond to Srinivasa Prabhu was very useful to me too, thank you.
We are still in very bad financial situation, we have to learn so many things from it, but i'm sure Radharani knows best :)
Inspite of it by Lord Nrsimhadeva's mercy we could buy extremely cheap ticket to Barcelona so we will be there between 22-25 May.
I hope your schedule didn't change and we can meet You there.
We can't wait to see You, Maharaja. So many things happened with us but i don't want to bother You always, i hope we can talk in person in Barcelona.

Thanks for your kindness.
Your insignificant servant,
Sri Radhe devi dasi

                HpS - ASA ----  AGTSP!!   Paoho..  No, is same schedule.  Talking to Nimai y Gundica in Barcelona?   Got accomodations...  Is little preaching center.  Very nice.