The Neo-metropolitano Chapter 2

11 years, 10 months ago by Jagadananda Pandit das in Other

Radhe Syam jaya bolo Sita Ram!!


Gurudeva it has been a while so I´ll be brief. I got married two weeks ago with a devotee from Florida disciple, of Hrdayananda Maharaja. Also I´m starting to record a devocional album with some spiritual brothers and devotees from Buenos Aires. Learning to be a good person as father, as husband and as a disciple. Hoping you are fine.

I have read in a Gour Govinda Maharaja lecture that says that we don´t have to pretend to see the guru but to be open so the guru sees us. And I want to ask you, what can you see or perceive from me as a disciple. 

I want to say to you that as a disciple I want to thank you for your effort of always being generous in your kripa and that I always feel safe in my spiritual life and inspiration for having you as guru.

Trying to improve my japa, service, instrospection and relationship with the devotees.

Jagadananda Pandit das --------► The Neo-metropolitano. 

PD: Last year was your Vyasa Puja and my son Radhe Gopinath first year. :)

                  HpS - Jaya!   We have intitated like 315 people!   We have hard time remembering anything new at 65-years old!   You gotta stick your face in front of us with graphic examples of who you are more often!!!               Your Pappa is the wonderful devotee, Jiva Goswami from Gupta Vrndavana.... ?????  ...  Your son is one year old but you got married two weeks ago.    Hmmm?   Was son from other marriage?           Things seems to be moving fast.          That's O.K.  but just hang on to those Japa beads.               You see Prabhupada's hand in his bead bag all the time, not just during Japa hours.  Make some little beads, 25-beads, to keep in your pocket to chant extra rounds.  16-minumum but Prabhupada says, 128 ( 2x64) is nothing.  Haw!   Haw!    HaW.                 Super good luckn wiht your music and family.  Engage them in the service of your Deities!!                    I got more feeling from you picture, but not enough!   Turn up the volume.  Remind us who you are!          Jaya!!    .V.          Happy, Hare Krsna!!            !   Thank you!!  SO much....  All, best regards to your good wife.