All glories to you HPS!

11 years, 11 months ago by David Ananda in Personal Sadhana Reports


Hare Krishna Maharaja. Please accept my humble reverences. My name is David, I am from Argentina. I have see you here many times and you have been enthusiastic and fun every time I´ve seen you, that inspire myself to get deeper into Krishna concience. I go to themple and Know devotees about 7 years ago, but taking it serious since a year, chanting Japa rounds, following 4 principles, worshipping Tulasi, reading BG, etc. 
Maharaja, sometimes I feel lost and feeling like I do a lot of effort just to be wrong many times and losing times and entusiasm , and it takes so long to recover that energies, so I wanted to ask for Siksa with you good sir, please allow me to know the requirements for that and anything you need from me, if it is your desire of course, it will realease anxiety from my heart.
I do hope your days in Sydned be full of loving Krishna concience. Gouranga! Nityananda!
Hare Krishna!.

PS: I tryied to use english for you to be easier to read, even when my english is not 100% correct. But then I though that maybe the other devotees could not read so please also let me know how to do it next time...gosh sorry for so many doubts good sir, May Gouranga blessing be with you, Hari Hari!.

            ASA - AGTSP.....    Yes, we had encounter with your good self on Skype.  Almost drove us crazy!!!   We told you five times to write to the Blog here but you just kept sending more and more comments...    Oooof!     So, here we are.   This is the place to take Siksa.                Just ask questions in a general sense.  Don't have to go into secret detail in the beginning, then you can benefit and others also. We are just one person, we cannot be "secret" advisor to 150-people, what to speak of 500!     Jaya.  Very nice to meet you.  You seem to be very fortunate.   What is your first question?