indian management and pyschology

11 years, 8 months ago by harsh_horse in Hot Topics

hare krsna maharaj, pamho, agtsp,
thank you very much for your mercy in India by allowing us to travel with you.
Some development on PhD front

            ASA - Jaya!    AgtSP!     Thank you for traveling with us.  Your association helps so much.  PhD = Plough Department,  Ha!   Ha!     Haw...

Our guide, his guide and some other contemporaries are trying to publish A handbook of indian management.

A handbook of indian pyschology has been already been published by this research group is Branch of Aurbindo Society.

We were thinking we need to pitch SB here. Esp difference between manas, buddi and indriya. {mind,intelligence and senses}.   In traditional pyscho only mind and body are concerned or if we see Mr Freud .. his id,ego and super ego is there.

if we can develop this then we can get par-atma. generally indian scriptures talk of ethics, morality world view. but exectp for Kapila-Sankhya none talks about it

and how these [mind, inte and senses] are effected by 3 modes. this would give us 9 diff personality types. Any suggestions that we move in this line a bit or not ?

hope we are not giving you trouble.
flying unbriddled horse

                HpS =  We are set to give lecture on this Friday the 26th???  At Visva-bharati University.  Very much we want to just ask questions from the audience and then focus in on one of the many aspects to this problem.    In the NOI, which constitutes first instructions for neophyte devotees, in Text Three Prabhupada talks about this a little. He cites "maya tatam idam sarvam...".  So, this is where he focuses first.  Cites this text many times. Do you see him paraphrasing another text from BG at the same time???   What concept is the most fundamental?