Jara Mara Hari Das

11 years, 11 months ago by jaramara in Special Category B

Hare krisna Maharaja:

Jara Mara Hari Das Still alive.

         ASA -  Jaya!    AGTSP!!!   He is always puting up so much work to help us in so many ways!!!!

Living in Madrid temple for 2 months full program and shadana.

Giving a lot os classes atending sri sri gaura nitay deities, preaching.

The most important service now is meeting and taking care of the devotees.

Do not know why  many devotees are frustade and depress and mad with the temple i one or other way.

I am veging the devotees to come to the temple and praying for their asociation.


Its working Maharaja, by your mercy they are starting to come and talk, and crying and slowly but surely they star to open their hurts.

Most of the devotees are realy sincer devotees they realy love gaura nitay and srila prabhupada but some way or other are not able to work together with each other or with the authorities and there is a lot of pain in their hurts.

         HpS  -  A lot of it is just the same as any Spanish family, community faces, no?  It's not a "Hare Krsna/Temple" problem, it's a local life problem that manages in our particiular religion etc.

What little by litlle Everything is moving and I allready can feel a movement, a bit of hope.

I am telling everybody that this is prabhupada´s and gaura Nitay´s temple and that they should come to serve them.

Prabhupada tall us that you will so the way you love me in the way you cooperate with each other on my movement.

So I am Happy serving you, prabhupada and the devotees.

Also trying to help the female devotees to group together and work to improve their relation with the temple and their spiritual lives.

I went to Malta is a little island south of italy. they speak inglish and drive on the left.

Very nice people a nice devotee (Laxmy) is preaching there if you wish we could make arregment for you to visit the island. there is a Hindu comunity (500 Shindis) an the president (Lady) she is very enthusiatic about helping the devotees to stablish a permanent center in the island, we could arrenge also talks in the university and their is a good group of young people leaded by laxmy.

Is only 2 hours flying from madrid and we could pack the whole program in 3-4 days.

If you want to try let me know and will make all the arregments.

Your fallen servant


Is great to be back serving you and Srila Prabhupada I really feell back home, back to godhead.

             HpS - AGTSP.  We see you in two weeks.  How is your son, wife???