A New Revolution for me

11 years, 11 months ago by nityasevaka in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna, Maharaja. Accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Sirla Prabhupada.

I hope you are fine.

The last Wendsday March 27th we celebrate Goura Purnima in Madrid temple. It was wonderfull and it became in a geat revolution for me, the revolution of love for Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Chanting, dancing, jumping, etc ... 2 days later my wife and me went to New Vrajamandala with Yadunandana Swami Maharaja and other great devotees to celebrate the begin Bhaktivedanta Institute's school year. It was conferences about Pantajñali's yogasutras, etc and many may kirtan.

I'm very very happy and i'm feeling full of love inside me.

I'm following your last tips: Chanting 16 rounds (i'm chanting now 20-24), 4 regulatives principles (my mind is my worst enemy), ekadasi (ok), reading Srimad Bhagavatam (Today 1rst Chant, 1rst Chapter, Verses 20-22; wonderful), but it's hard for me to wake up at 1 hour & 1/2 before the sun rises (Now i'm waking up at 6:30 - 7:00, but tomorrow onewards i'll wake up at 5:30, I promise you).

My service in the Madrid's Temple and Spanish Bhaktivedanta Institute going very well.

I have a question for you, Maharaja. I have a small temple in my home and i every days worship Radha-Krisna in picture and Goura Nitay in a picture too. I would like to worship Goura Nitay murti deities, but somebody told my wife it's not possible if you aren´t initiate, Is it true?. I have already bought a Goura Nitay murti dieties, and i'm waiting to get in to worship them. Can i worship them?

I don´t want to take you more time. Please, excuse me for my offenses as i'm very fallen.

I'm very anxious to meet you in your next trip to Madrid.Thank you for all. Sri Krisna bless you and Sri Nrsimhadev protect you.

Your servant, Nityasevaka.

           HpS - Jaya...   AGTSP.  paoho.   We are communicating with Yadu Swami and Jayanta Das about your initiation ceremony and the other devotees.  Yes, if you worship a picture you can do basically the same thing for statues.  Serve Them with love like people. 1.  Clean, 2. Punctual, 3.So many details. eg. offer Bhoga, incense, flowers, lamp and fragrances.    Of course, little mangala arati and SB class for/with them is perfect.