DTC Sa(23)

11 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

A G T S P!

paoho & bw!  !
How are you?  We are fine (considering this is the material world, martya-loka). We are sitting a little uncomfortably under a mosquito net in Professor Bandyopadyay's ashrama in Lake Town, Kolkatta. It is 5.16AM.  Maybe first light is just coming.

By the mercy of the great rider in the sky, Horse Pradhana, we have Tata photon USB drive going, and we are using it now before the other people wake up and it becomes crowded.

It is little hot here, some mosquitos, crows and Kawwwking.   We got on Japa joe for the first time in an age! After about 1/2 hour Richard the Righteous of Amsterdam, we think, joined us.  Then Mother Gandharvika from SJC!    Was nice.

We have 15-rounds done and have sent our comments on the GBC Position Paper on who is Srila Prabhupada in ISKCON off, our first draft of how to establish a Bhakti-sastri center in your Temple off and reviewed the Yahoo mail. We got five mosquito bites so unplugged the Acer and got under the net.

Our eyes are falling apart. The screen is starting to blurr.  Hare Krsna!

Ekadasi today, we must starve, then at 9PM we have to go to the airport for a 2AM flight!    We arrive in the wonderful land of Oz(tralia) about 3-5PM in the afternoon. Seems like Lord Sri Krsna wants us to stay up all night on Ekadasi chanting Hare Krsna. I guess the Tata-photon will be working, so we could keep skype etc open until 2am.

O.K.  That's about it.  We are working on the next NIOS book with professor and we hope to talk with Patrak Das today et al.

Let's answer five letters and give our eyes a break!