Dear Gurudeva,
pamho,agtSP!,agt you!!!
I hope you health is good.
ASA - AGTSP!!! paoho. Pretty good. Our health is pretty good although our energy is low, but steady.....
I am missing Japa Joe, but is too late for me.
I am going to start working soon, and I am doing a little course on sociocultural entertainment, this is keeping me busy at the moment.
I had started to do relaxation workshops at the temple, but I decided to stop that and my service with the children.
I still go to temple once a week and help out Eduardo with simple things, until I get settled again.
Bhadra and I are more steady in our devotional service than last year, and we have a sincere desire to become more fixed.
I wish so much to use my life in a way that will be pleasing to you, Gurudeva. Please empower me!!! ,by my self there is little I can do.
your eternal servant, Sananda DD
HpS - AGTSP. Well, of course, you can help Bhadra help Srila Prabhupada... That's a good contemplation for the start. How can you do that?