Dandavats Maharaja

11 years, 11 months ago by nityasevaka in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna, Maharaja. Accept my humble obeisances, dandavats. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you so much for your last reply to my lastest posts and your upadesa.

I'm starting to do changes to follow your tips as get up earlier before sunrise.

It's harder being to get up earlier in the morning. But bit by bit i'm getting up earlier ( 1 hour and half before sunrise).

My rounds of Japa are going up to 20-24.

The last week i was in Malta for 4 days with Yadunandana Swami, Jara Maya Hari Das, and my wife to do Sankirtan. There's living a devotte, Lakshmi. She has a yoga group. Yadunandana Swami gave a conference in the Philosophy's departament of de Malta University. We distributed 132 Sirla Prabhupada's books, we sang the Holy Names, etc ... It was a wonderful experience.

I don't take you more time. Thank you for your attention.

Your servan Nityasevaka.

       AGTSP.  HpS - ASA  -  Thank you for the news!   Yes, up early and life is easy!!