Moving ahead in Utah, Take 2!

11 years, 10 months ago by BhaktaAdrian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I am not sure why the content of my last letter did not save! 

Things are going along very nicely I think!

As you know, Reb and I have moved into our own apartment. It is a very nice, small place. I like having my own deities to take care of! Perhaps that is selfish. We have JBS, Krishna, Nrsimha, Gopala, Radha Krishna.
    ASA - AGTSP.    Wow!!     How big is  Jagannatha???
We have made a very nice bed for the deities so They can take good rest at night. We massage Their Lotus feet after undressing Them, before putting Them to rest, and again in the morning before taking Them from bed and getting them Dressed/Garlanded. Right now we do a daily offering of incense, and two or three times a week do a full puja with ghee lamp, water, etc. Also about two or three times a week we read together. Right now we are reading Teachings of Lord Caitanya. It is very nice. We have seen some differences in Sri Siksastikam at the beginning of the book that we were both unfamiliar with, but it is still so nice (maybe even better).
            ASA - Take your Deities to the Temple also!
Japa is steady and regular. It is hardest to do my japa on the weekends! I commute to work, so the bus ride makes a nice time for japa. We did have a struggle keeping up with our rounds when we were moving into our new place, but we are steady 16 rounds daily again.
               ASA -  Yoga!!   Bhakti!!
The temple gave us one Tulasi. Of the lot, we decided to pick one that didn't look too healthy. I compromised that it would be better to try and revive her, than take her home healthy and not take proper care and lose her. She looks very unhealthy, in fact, I'm not sure if she is even still alive! We got a green house, and try to keep her warm and fairly moist. We are both praying daily that she will recover, and even have had dreams on multiple occasions that she is full and green. We will see.
            ASA -  First She needs, association.  Keep Her where all the action is!    2. Warmth.  Feel Her soil.     Is it warm?   Make it warm!            3.   Sunlight.            4.  Water.  She can be fine with lots of water once a week.
We are waiting for Holi to finish to discuss the finer details of the wedding with Caru. He has a whole lot on his plate. We have set the date for Aug 30. This will be the day after Srila Prabhupada's Appearance Day. We are hoping it will be a very nice program. We are also  hoping that Krishna might arrange your schedule in such a way that you may be able to come to Utah during that time. Many of us would be very pleased if you are able to come. We are all anxiously waiting. I have saved enough funds that sponsoring your visit will be no problem. 
             ASA -  Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?????   Interesting!   Hmmmmm!
I am writing still to Sri Hari Prabhu. He seemed very busy in his last reply. I am also eagerly trying to situation myself nicely for first initiation. I find that I think about it more and more as time goes on. Like I said before, maybe not for the right reasons, but it is still there. I am hoping to keep  in touch with him so that he can give me more precise guidance to follow with this aim in mind. 
              HpS - He is giving emergency medical treatment for Aja govinda en India.  Some bad systemic stuff.  He will be back soon!
I am very fallen, and my mind is a whirlwind of illusion. It is nice how much I seem do "advance" actually gives me the realizations of how novice I am in spiritual life. 
The highlight of my work right now is one fellow who I have sold a Bhagavad Gita to. He has been reading and is very intelligent. He also just made one friend recently outside of work who also reads Bhagavad Gita. I think maybe he doesn't chant, but is fully convinced that Krishna is God, and is passionate about his opinion. I see Krishna working his way into this man's life and it is incredible!
We are so fortunate! All glories to the undeserved mercy of Panca Tattva!
Your aspiring servant,
Bhakta Adrian
             ASA - Very nice.  Krsna is sending you JUST what you need.  So, nice.  nehabikramo naso sti....  every little thing you do is having eternal benefit!   You both are great asset to your yatra!!!!!!!            More news.