
11 years, 9 months ago by tcsd in Hot Topics

Dear GM, PAMHO I have been thinking about this for sometime, so I just want to respond to your reply on the post about mythology. Essentially what you are teaching is that I don't know very much and that I should just thoughtfully try to follow the footsteps of our teachers and our tradition.

       ASA - Jaya!  Thank you so much for this topic.  We are back from the jungle!  When you day, "I", do you mean we our you?  We do know enough to follow our Acharya's with realized knowledge of Sankhya, and I think you have a lot of this too from your contact with other Asian systems, but as you do not have it, you should acquire it, and you can!

Science is not very definitive in its account of the big questions. And our experiential base is quite limited. Hence deductive knowledge tends to be more helpful than knowledge built on induction. Do I have the basic points correct?

ASA - Well, even our citations from Einstein make this point that science doesn't answer the big questions in terms of who or what is in control actually and even the so called little questions of how cats see ghosts, how we can actually fly to other planets, and how to avoid divorce are not answered well. The atheists were better in the past.

I just want to keep listening and learning because conviction is the quality that seems to develop very slowly in my case. By conviction I mean the faith and understanding and willingness to accept Krsna as God and everything that this entails. If I can just remain to some degree in the association of devotees and listen and speak about the absolute truth, preferably in a personal form, then this seems to be the best path for making life worthwhile. Please don't forget me. YHS, Tcsd

        ASA - We think about you a lot. How is the Baladeva????       We just finished reading Edward T. Halls, The Dance of Life, that Harsh gave us. Of all the anthropologists we have read he is the greatest. We recomend all of his books and Carl Jung's Tavistock lectures.    From this we can see that the SB is not mythology. There are many cultures that can do things that American and European science CANNOT explain. By following the principles of SB we begin to see things differently and then we can live in that world even.