Ambarisa's Itenarary

12 years ago by hps in Calendar Development
Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2013 6:56 AM
Subject: visit to argentina.
By  Ambarisa Das to Yahoo and Transfered to here.
hare krsna
pamho agtsp all glories to you guru dev.
hope your stay in india be full of realization. hope you be fine.
we want to oraganize your visit to south america. how long you want to stay in Argentina? one month? 
wich will be your itenarary?
you come from USA and then  first visit Mexico, then peru and then you came to Argentina? you also want to go to chile?.or 
is too much?
if it is so. you can came in november ? or when?
you have samething fix in some place?
we can star with the oraganization right now. 
some ideas, please guide us to please your sankirtan efforts
- inter religion dialogue in Buenos Aires. Wich topics YOu suggest for this event. probably in 3 days maximum no?
my father want to help with the organization and contacts.
-the conference about the fedon,LOB and others that you want to do.
-we want to get some radio show, tv, media, etc.
-the devotees in mar del plata surely want to invite you to go.
i can help you to be in contact with the other devotees from other places to organize together. 
with wich devotees i can talk about your travel in the others countrys?
 we want to pay your  ticket to argentina but will be easy if you came from peru or chile.
thank you so much, trying to serve
Ambarisa Das
ASA -  Jaya.   AGTSP!    paoho.  Thank you very much for your interest.   We are running a lot now from Imphal to Agartala, to Thoubal to Burma....  I think that we are going to have to discuss a more fundamental change in perspective on this next ASA South America Tour.  We are pray9ing to Krsna for good intelligence and things seem to be getting clearer.  With Brother Ass of ASA turing 65 years old it may be that we should just go to Cochabamba in Bolivia and sit there for three months.  That is one EXTREME.  Another is a different city every two daze!   >>>>>========>!
If any body has any ideas about our service this let us know.