
12 years ago by cakradhari das in Other

Hare Krishna Maharaj,


So I just bought some farm land. But found out after doing some clearing that it is mostly rock and not much soil. Therefore,  I think the most benefitcial way to grow things there is by using hydroponics. Okay, so here's the question. I can go out and buy fertilizer that can be expensive, and require much processing and transportation; or, I can use fish water to fertilize the plants. I think the latter would be the most ecological and self sufficent. And now you see the delema. The fish grow and have kids. When they get too big I will have to do something with them. Either sell them for others who plan to do the same thing (this can be rare) or sell them to people who might want to eat them. I have to make a living some how and this seems like one of the best ways for me now.  

ys, Cakradhari

          HpS - ASA -   TlgaSP..   Krsna will give us intelligence how to follow the four principles and not kill anybody!!!            In New Talavan they had bad soil so they fenced off a bunch of rabbits and their pellets made the soil fine.  They they moved the fence to the next area.  Some plants, like jerusalem articokes dig into the soil and break it...  Don't sell people to be killed... Krsna will give you intelligence.  Be open to big changes.