vraja bandhar

12 years ago by radhacaranadasi in Other

From the Radharanis Land

All Glories to Radha Syamasundar

All glories To Srila Prabhupada

All glories to  HH Hanumat Presaka Swami



Dear GM my obeisances unto your lotus feet,

   HpS - ASA -   AGTSP!   paoho....  we have carrot feet maybe..

here in vrindavan everything is great  im still tryn to do more for the cleaning program in vrindavan .... we don have to much suport but the kids in the school are marchin once in  while on the streets, i guess mentality of vrajavasis is changing a little bit, im still teaching in the school i found out that the girls asociation helped me a lot to undertand vraj  little bit, and they also like the idea that im hellping them , seems that their parents and teachers dont support them to continue with  their education, becouse they are girls and they must to get married, its really hard to change their minds but maybe few of them will have the oportunity to continue with college, i really want to have your asosiation in mayapur and i will like to know when your going to Manipur will be nice to go this time. Right now im in Puskar visiting the only one Lord Brahma temple in india. We tried to join the japa joe many times but my computer got damage,but i will manage soon find another way to doit.


Radha Carana dasi

   HpS - ASA -  Jaya!    More news gradually. The minds of some Vrajabasis have been stolen by Vyomasura, no?   So they permit trash in Vraja.  2) They use the trash to diguise Vraja from the Karmis that visit.    3)  They are Putana!   She was born in Vraja!

                Hare Krsna!!!!      We go to Manipur today.  Mayapura was also great,but different!!!       No internet!!               Hare Krsna, RCD!!!!!!!   Hare Krsna!!!!!