Request of Mercy of Candra-mukhi Devi Dasi

11 years, 11 months ago by om.kesavaya in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories To Guru & Gouranga!

Dear Maharaja:

Please accept my humble obeicenses.

nama om visnu padaya krishna prestaya bhutale srimate hanumatpresaka swami iti namine.

    The reason of my letter is to ask your mercy to continue studying BBV course. Since prabhu Laksman was sick we did not receive any TPP. We are stoped on S:B: 3.29. We received news 3weeks ago from Candramukhi dd that she will send TPP to continue,  but at the present  we did not receive nothing. So please if you intercede with some devotte  to send TPP's I will be eternally  thanksfull.

   Your Mercy is essential to your servant,  I'm floating in the ocean of ignorance and you are my salvator. I hope some day make an effective service unto your lotus feet. Please for give any offense commited.

    Your servant  for ever:

      Om kesavaya das (La Paz Bolivia)

ASA - Jaya!   AgtSP.  paoho.    It is a kind destiny that allows us to contact OK Das of Bolivia.  Very kind indeed. You are such and asset to your entire country.  We hope we can visit you soon!!    We are in Kolkatta now.  If you go to our website and then go to "Archives" that will give you a link to the actual Archive content.  There is a file like "tpp-canto3.docx" that is the most recent edition of the tpp notes. Besides that I would suggest contacting the Candra-mukhi Devi Dasi again. She will read this letter and  she can give a little help. It is just a fact we are all suffering from lack of Locks-man. You can write your questions and comments on the BBh materials to this Blog also!!!