Visit to Colorado?

Dear Respected Maharaja,

PAMHO. AGTSP. It has been many years since we've had the great fortune of hosting you in Colorado. Any chance you could make a visit sometime in 2013? We don't get a lot of visiting sadhus here, so the devotees really appreciate anyone who comes through.

Your servant, Jayasacisuta dasa

HpS- AGTSP  paoho.    Done...  We arrive Wednesday the 26th of June at 3.30PM!   Jaya!   I think we stay one week and then go on to Boise and San Jose....     Is O.K?    We can plan some nice Sankirtana.   Basically we are basing everything on LIght of the Bhagavata, Cultivation of the Human Spirit, with art, symposium, movies!!  Then internally we have our whole curriculum with NOI, NOD, BhSatri, Bh.Vaibhava.   Please write to us at:

[email protected]

for details related to these travel things!             Soooooooooooo nice to see you and Radha Govinda again!!