from Vrsabhanu Nandini dd ___^o_

11 years, 11 months ago by Ambarisa Maharaja Das in Other

Hare Krsna dear Gurudev

All the glories to Srila Prabhupada!

We celebrated a beautiful Vyasa Puja. The service’s mo was present in everyone. Really is inspiring serve with the god brothers… is a shelter.

In  the party was 70 devotees attended and they were very happy with the program and the prasadam. Thank you for the inspiration.

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Querido Gurudev

Clearly feel how the debt contracts with the spiritual master is something that can not be returned.. Normally in this material world the debts are a problem, is something  that you want to pay as soon as possible ... Oppositely, this debt to you is for me a treasure and something that makes me very happy because it gives me the opportunity to be connected with you always and try to do something to serve.

I was reading the book of HH Mukunda Goswami and listening devotees tell about the beginning of the Hare Krsna movement. How Srila Prabhupada was and the way he present and introduce Krsna in their lives.

I can see how the sincere Young people from that time, all became part of the power of His love.

Thank Gurudev for give your life to fulfill the desire of Srila Prabhupada. Thanks to be  a transparent medium to Him and to see  all possible ways to encourage us every day to be more Krsna Conscious.

For me Your classes, answers, your ways of presenting Krsna are the reasons to continue every day and help me to understand how to carry out this life in the best way.

Thanks for accepting me as his disciple and allowing me to be connected with the disciple succession.

I have no qualifications, just a strong desire to do my best to follow your instructions and please you always.

trying to serve

Vrsabhanu Nandini devi dasi 

              HpS -  Jaya!  Thank you so much for this letter.  You are like a Mother to all the devotees in Argentina. Maybe you were Eva Peron en your last life.   Ha!     Ha!     (1/2 joking).      We are trying to fix our Calendar and looks like we would head for South America in October...     We can visit your rural community then...  We will have some work for everyone with our Journal that we will publish for NIOS in September.  The title might be A Human Spirit or Common Cause..