Happy Birthday / Vyasa puja

11 years, 11 months ago by Ignacio González in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Sri Sri Gouranga NITYANANDA
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to H.H Sri Hanumatpresaka Swami

Please accept my most humble obeisance

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, My name is Ignacio González and I`m from Viña del Mar. I hope that your body isn`t giving you too much problems.

           HpS - Jaya!   AgtSP... !     Yes...  we remember you and your cat, no!?   Also your nice family.   Your too intelligent for your own good!    Ha!     Ha!       Ha!              It is more of a challenge in some ways to become Krsna conscious for iintelligent people because they have to engage their BIG intellects in Krsna consciosness and that can be harder than engaging wealth or physical ability!

I`m writing to wish you a happy birthday and Vyasa puja Guru maharaja!!! Also I want to thank you very much for you association and everything that you give me/us. My association it`s no good, I`m proud, materialistic and I have no good quality. If you find something good in me it will be only a reflection of your many beautiful qualities.

Without you and the parampara I will be at the bottom of this awful ocean and Krsna will be unachievable, but you are my hero because you can give me Krsna-prema. Therefore I own you my life and I will always try to serve you in the best way, whatever the cost may be.

16 rounds per day (working in getting better rounds)
4 principles for almost 2 months (determined to have a diksa relation with you)

          HpS - Param drstva nivartate.   Getting a higher taste one gives up the lower taste.  Are you finding new expressions of love and intoxication for your family in KC activities?    Also having six kids is within the 4 principles!!!  Krsna will send all the money you need!!

My administrative authority I guess it is Om kesavaya (but i don´t know…is complicated here in Valparaiso... Working on ISKCON law to figured out)

Aspiring to serve you


           ASA -  Awk!  Copy of your report to the Yahoo address?  If not then it may be lost.   to our ASA administration.  Oh well,  God notices everything!!!    You know Vanamali devi dasi's father.  He has big house he inherited.  Ask him about it, making nice pleasure house on the beach for Radha-Krsna!