All glories to Hanumatpresaka Swami!

12 years, 1 month ago by sriradhedd in Other

Dear Hanumatpresaka Swami,

Please accept my respectful obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to You on Your auspicious appeareance day!

I met You one year ago in Mayapur.
I didn't know You before but when i saw You i felt You are different, not just an "average" sannyasi.
I started to ask devotees about You. One mataji said, she doesn't know You but heard that You always help to everybody without thinking and give faith to devotees who saw too much bad things in Iskcon as well as You are very kind and selfless. One other devotee said he attended at your NOI seminars and he said You have very deep realization and knowledge about it. And one other devotee said, Hanumatpresaka Swami is a Saint.
Now i know they didn't exaggerated.

                HpS -  AGTSP     paoho.   They are our Spies.  We have to pay them a great deal to spread good propaganda about us.

You are really selfless. You can't stop just serve the devotees continously.

One year isn't a long time but i got so many things from You. From Your mercy i have deeper relationship with Srila Prabhupada. You thought me lot of things about Guru Tattva, thought me to see the good in everyone and appreciate the people. You are never rough with anybody. If You have to say the truth rather You joke but never hurt anybody. I hope once i can talk to the devotees so nicely like You.

When i wrote to You we want to leave our yatra due to the too much politics You explained me why it's not a good idea. You didn't instructed me just told me the fact and i can agree with Your opinion. Me and my husband struggle here so much and sometimes we want to escape...
But at that time your words and good advices came into my mind and if i remember those i can survive.
You always keep me alive, You are my ideal, my well-wisher and one of my best friend.
Please don't stop writing the blog it means a lot to me. I always start my day with it and i get so much strength from it.
Thank you for your association.

Trying to be your servant,
Sri Radhe devi dasi

            HpS - ASA -  Jaya!    We seems to be about half Krsna conscious.    We still have more austerity to become pure devotees.   After that we go on improving our service even more.   Whatever austerity we do, sacrifice, is not just for some little service to the cause of Krsna, but fixes us at an eternally higher level of surrender.  Ooof!      Oooof!          Ooof!   Step by step!!!     We are in the army of Srila Prabhupada.  Fighting the enemy soldiers who have entered the fortress in some places and those on the outside also.     Honestly we are very inspired by you all also.  Maybe we meet in Europe...