Hare Krishna!!!! AGTSP PAOHO

12 years, 2 months ago by danielfrozero in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories toSrila Prabhupada
All glories to the sankirtana movement of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Dear Gurudeva!

I hope you are in good health.
Here I am writing. Long ago he did not write for the blog. I'm a little shy. Little by little I'm beating, ajja.
Recently we met with you in Santiago de Chile, in the Ratha Yatra. Much nectar.
I returned to Buenos Aires and another Ratha Yatra, more nectar.
I'm working at night in the temple restaurant. I'm the manager. We finished work late and I'm sleeping like at 2 am. But anyway 8:00 a.m.'m awake. I'm doing everything possible. I'm having a lot of sleep. It's a nice service but it is demanding too much energy.
I have a musical for children called "the fantabulosikos" (rock conscious for childrens)
In recent times I'm not reading as much as I should, I am not the most intellectual of his disciples, but I am always ready to follow your instructions and Srila Prabhupada.
I ask your blessings that I can strengthen myself spiritually and transcend my anarthas.
Dear Guru Maharaja thanks for reading my letter, and always be my inspiration, along with Prabhupada and the devotees.

sorry for myEnglish, jajaja

I wish you very happy new year

Hare Krishna!!!! ♫♫♫♫ Hare Rama!!!!

his servant
Devarsi Narada das

                 HpS - ASA ---  AGTSP!      Don't miss the opportunit for Brahma-muhurta!     We may have all material success, but if we don't advance spiritually then it will all change....   Krsna was engaged with the Gopis in Rasa-lila (liitle bit more intense than the restaurant) but still he stopped it for Brahma-muhurta, Mangal-arati!    Even just take a nap and then get up for Brahma-muhurta and then later another nap.  I've done it.  Hard, but you feel like Superman all day.

Read a little bit each day while you are working.  Get a nice book and read about one page at different times while you are at work...