Reverencias desde Argentina- Nara Narayana

All glories to Sri Krishna Caitanya and Sri Nityananda! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Guru Maharaja Please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances at your lotus feet.
           ASA - Jaya!!!   AGTSP    Nara-narayana Ki Jaya!!!  So nice to hear from you!!
I hope you are well and is improving in your health. I am following your itinerary and activities from internet, it´s very inspiring to hear about you.
Guru Maharaja excuse the lateness of my report. Thanks to his blessings i am living in the temple here in Buenos Aires, with Bramacaris, as you recommended to me and I want to say that it was good for my advancement, I regulated lot in my votes, sadhana, sankirtan and my rounds. I feel it was very productive and helped me a lot.
Next January I will have been in the temple for six months, that was my agreement with the authorities here in the beggining. My stay here is good but I feel that I need to make a change and move a little to keep me inspired. Now  I asked  to the authorities to go to Brasil to the seminar Bhakti Sastri  with His Holiness Danvantari Swami. they and my family gave me blessings for this project, just missing me your blessings, please Guru Maharaja give me your blessings.
    ASA - Sounds nice to us.  Real thing is to try to serve Krsna where ever  He puts you, but travel is nice if you are a B'cari.
Also I have the desire to go someday to visit you to Peru or somewhere where you are, and serve you in whatever you need.
Maharaja, hoping that you are well I send my most humble obeisances.
your servant
Bhakta Nara Narayana 
PD: Maharaja for this marathon of Srila Prabhupada´s books, I have set a goal of distributing 108 Upadesambrta! for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada and yours. haribol!!
          ASA - Jaya, now it is January 1st.  How did you goal go???!!!!