FIRST LETTER GET DISORGANIZED!!! I`m sorry Gurudeva... Hopefully this gets all right....
ASA - AGTSP paoho. We skipped the first letter.
All Glories to Sri sri Gouranga Nityananda
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada
All Glories to Hanumat Presaka Swami!!
ASA--- Oink! Oink!!
Please accept my most humble obeisance
Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja. Again, Ignacio. I`m writing to send you the vision and mission for NIMSAR and also the objectvies of Bhakti-sadacara. Here it is:
a) About Contents:
i) Build a solid basis of the philosophical principles taught in the Gaudiya Vaisnava
HpS - Philos = Love, Sophi = Wisdom. Same as our tradition, Bhakti, not impersonal Jnana tradition of knowledge. You want to build a solid basis of principles of love of wisdom from Gaudiya tradition. So that would be how to chant Hare Krsna, Dance and Honor Prasadam.... Result would be 16 enthusiastic rounds and 4-principles strictly. You must teach what you know. Write a Bhakti program that Bhakta Ignacio is realizing! Very nice.
b) About teaching:
i) Focus on generated meaningful learning
ASA - How will it be generated? Isn't the teaching meant to generate it??? Meaningful learning.. Learning that is realized? Learn the recipe for pakoras and then cook them and offer them?
ii) Adapted to different educational necessities ASA - Huh? Foreign language students?
iii) Evolve into depth not only into extensively - ASA - NOI Text Eight talks about this. First continuous then concentrated and then deep. But what do these terms mean... Hmmm... more detials needed. Seems beyond Bhakta course. Into Sannyasa candidate. First is to learn, practice, how to chant sixteen nice rounds daily and follow four principles strictly for six months
iv) To educate people to help in the mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
ASA - Jaya.... Preface of NOI... Our level.
c) About learning - ASA - Huh?? About, within, above..?
i) Gradually growing up in a “spiral learning” of complexity and abstraction
ASA - Seems nice but better depth and breadth. Learning the same things but in more detail and practical aplicability.
ii) Develops students that are academically and praxiologically self-sufficient. ASA - What do you mean? In one sense only God is self-suffiencient. Your Bhakta program will make people God in (180-days)! Aaachaa.
a) About contents
i) Develops a personal understanding about the philosophical concepts dealt in the books written
by A.C. Bhaktivedanta swami
b) About Teaching
i) Systematizes programs that respond to different educational necessities
ii) Improve a based on principles education
c) About learning
i) Give tools that allows the students to be self-sufficient in academic and praxeological issues
ii) Stimulate the student to take responsibility and independence in making decisions on their own
iii) Develops enthusiasm, confidence, patient, discipline, healthy relationships, authenticity, self-
assessment, and value of the Vedic culture
ASA - Same comments as in the VISION section. These terms VISION, MISSION, do not seem to be terms in Srila Prabhupada's basic diction. He uses "Mission of Lord Caitanya in the Preface of NOI. Seems useul if you focus your work on the Preface of NOI first.. Chant, meditate on it and extract practical principles of a Bhakta Program for Bhakta Ignacio..
3) BHAKTI SADAARA`S ASA - Sad-achara. Good character.
ASA - At this point we stop because we feel that it is too, too, analytical for our present level of development. Like in the Preface of NOI Srila Prabhupada mentions Radha-rani, but to what depth.
Write a Program for Bhakti Ignacio that you think will really bring Bhakta Ignacio to the standard of being a Formal Aspirant
i) Create a personal logic about the basic concepts of the Gaudiya vaisnava
(1) Recognize the principles that determine the philosophy of the Gaudiya Vaisnava
(2) Describe the principles of the Gaudiya Vaisnava
(3) Exemplify the main principles with situations of the daily life.
(4) Reflect in the impact of these principles
(5) Apply these principles when solving problems of the daily life situations.
ii) Produce strategies of self-knowledge
(1) Identify one´s strengths and weeknesses to develop devotional service
(2) Exemplify circumstances that realize these aspects
(3) Design strategies to turn problems into opportunities to improve devotional life.
iii) Deconstruct the vision and mission of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
(1) Describe, analyze and extrapolate the main principles of the vision and mission of Srila
Trying to serve you
ASA - AGTSP thank you so much. This is very good effort, but hope that our comments are useful!! Ur application and then write your results.