Nitya Kishori Reporting

12 years, 2 months ago by b.Natalia Molina in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva
Please accept my humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

  HpS - ASA ---  Jaya!    AGTSP!!!!!!!!!     paoh....

My parents already left Mexico. I start the Marathon. It nice and difficult at the same time. 2 days I didn't finish my rounds...! The first one, my parents just left and I was reading during the trip to airport and I had a big dizzy, head pain, I was tired when I arrived to the temple. So I slep, but the next day: sankirtan, I just finish my 16 rounds, no time for my debt. Then the day before yesterday I went to sleep too late, and very tired, so I felt asleep, I didn't finish my rounds in the morning. Then sankirtan, I arrived tired. I don't know how I lost money, so my counts didn't close, I felt anxious, I when to sleep... I drown in a glass of water

I feel very sorry, I took note of my debt of rounds, I will pay... I wanted to do it today morning, but the devotees ask me to help in raja bhoga... now I have an appointment to go to sankirtan with a mataji.

      HpS - ASA -   We know (from our own stupid experiences) that sometimes we have a lot of other service and we fall behind. Then we have to catch up the next day.   Srila Prabhupada said that he would accept that we had other service more important if it was also so important that we didn't have time to eat and sleep. O.K. What does Krsna want?  Raja bhoga, book distribution, family?      Yes, but His most essential desire is 16-good rounds daily.  Jaya!     We work, He pays!   Thank you!

I try to do at least 100 per day, it is not all I can do, but I get tired. And I think I and others (specially one Senior prabhu who is very much in sankirtan) expect more.
I am going to sankirtan with very nice devotees (one is Govardhanesvari, and Titiksa), I like very much their association. M Jambhavati went to travelling sankirtan to Puebla fr one week with another young mataji. She will return to DF for her medical appointments, but she will not do sankirtan in DF, then she goes back to travelling sankirtan to another place.

Please excuse my faults!
Praying for your blessings
Your servant, Nitya Kisori dd

HpS - ASA  - Hare Krsna!      We feel that we have worse faults than you, but we try to do our job.  All this purification that you are getting will allow Krsna to give you very profound, broad intelligence.  More and more you should see what is your mission in life.