
12 years ago by tcsd in Other

PAMHO     AGTSP...     Dear GM, In Chapter 15 of NOD about Spontaneous Devotional Service, I am wondering if there is another synonym for 'attractive' because I am not clear about how envious and fearful beings can be considered attracted to their object of envy and fear. Is the message in these paragraphs that being envious or fearful can be considered spontaneous attraction, however, they cannot be considered devotion, bhakti?

  Jaya!  -  AGTSP   paoho... Why is this so small?   Robot!    Yes, we are envious of Krsna because He gets all the best food first erc.     So we are attracted in envy.  Duryodhana got all the Ksatriyas together in one place at one time to hurt the Pandavas, Krsna's devotees, Krsna. He was empowered to do this "krsna anu silanam", empowered service to Krsna. He got them all in one place at one time so Krsna could finish off His mission of incarnation quicky, but it wasn't "anukulyena", it was "pratikulyena". First means with a CONSCIOUS intention to please Krsna, the second means wih CONSCIOUS desire to hurt Krsna.  This is "anyabhilasita sunyayam.." NOD 1.1.11.
It's cited in NOI.

The essential verse of the BRS (NOD)

Danurdhara Swami's "Waves of Devotion" gives so much detail with grafics to help understand the NOD, Sceicne of Devotion.

So these are not types of raganuga bhakti?

    HpS - No, this is like Karma-yoga.  Linking your passion to Krsna.

"The gopīs may be considered to be examples of spontaneous love in sensual attraction. The gopīs are young girls, and Kṛṣṇa is a young boy. Superficially it seems that the gopīs are attracted to Kṛṣṇa on grounds of sex. Similarly, King Kaṁsa was attracted to Kṛṣṇa because of fearfulness. Kaṁsa was always fearful of Kṛṣṇa because it had been foretold that his sister's son, Kṛṣṇa, would kill him. Śiśupāla was also always envious of Kṛṣṇa. And the descendants of King Yadu, due to their family relationship with Kṛṣṇa, are always thinking of Him as one of their members. All of these different kinds of devotees have a spontaneous attraction for Kṛṣṇa, in different categories, and they achieve the same desired goal of life. The attraction of the gopīs for Kṛṣṇa and the affection of the members of the Yadu dynasty are both accepted as spontaneous, or rāgānugā. The attraction of Kaṁsa to Kṛṣṇa in fearfulness and the attraction of Śiśupāla in enviousness are not accepted as devotional service, however, because their attitudes are not favorable. Devotional service should be executed only in a favorable frame of mind." YHS tcsd

         HpS - See...  the Gopis and Yadus are distinguished.  Kubja is attracted to Krsna in conjugal love to enjoy with Krsna.  LIke somebody who wants to gratify their lust with Prasadam, but will only take Praletsadam. Prabhupada says that we have to be careful because Krsna associates with this Shakti only some times, but with the service attitude conjugal Sakti, Laksmi, all the time.
But someone like Kubja who is attracted to Krsna as the Supreme candy will advance if She doesn't commit offenses.

Take Prasadam for lust and eventually you will think about Krsna and want to take Prasadam like the Cowherd boys have lunch with Krsna!