terrorist hanged. chanting holu name.

12 years ago by harsh_horse in Hot Topics

hare krsna maharaj. pamho, agtsp. how are you.

   HpS - Almost dead!  AGTSP   paoho.  Many letters to answer after Blog is back!  {:O)+

.... how was program in ecuador. what did yiu present there. can u upload socrates y pariksit on archives. ------------ in india a terrorist was hanged. at his last moment he was chanting lord name(may be he can not remember lord). it seems he was convinced what he was doing was for god, he is dieing for god. may be this is offensive chantingg..... so how to avoid offensive chanting. esp third offence disoneying sp master. esp when he gives adcices, suggestions.. are his advices and suggestions are also instruction .... we can not expect guru to micro manage life. but is it possible that devotee can b in illusion that he is following guru and god. regards, caballo

            HpS -  AGTSP!!!!! ! ! ! !       Yes, if we want to think we are following Guru so that we can obtain material gratification then Krsna will cheat us with false inteligence.    We will think, I am an intimate associate of Gurudeva,I deserve special treatement!   Yet Krsna will use this teach us.   We can know when we are sincere.  BG 10.8-9..   Krsna is in our heart, He will tell us.
Everyone is different.   Prabhpada took like 11 years to get initiated formally, no?   He teaches by example.  So it may take some time to control our senses, vanity, anger.  Yet, we should be able to see progress!