
12 years, 1 month ago by tcsd in Hot Topics


As requested, i have posted the link below about the timeline of Krsna's pastimes: http://stephenknapp.wordpress.com/2012/10/23/time-line-of-lord-krishna-supported-by-science/

This seems to provide some evidence that supports what we have learned in Vedic Scriptures. I am not sure how much this would hold up in an academic environment, but it certainly is intriguing from a Vaiṣṇava perspective.

The search for confirmation of a historical view outside that of the 20th century Western worldview is certainly a task which Srinandanandana Prabhu has put a lot of hard work into and it may be a good preaching tool in opening up the minds of those willing to listen.

YHS, Tcsd

         ASA - HpS -  Jaya!!  AGTSP   paoho....   Oink!     Oink!   We are just walking out he door in Guayquil so we have just captured the link and will take it with us!          We agree with your epistemelogical analysis, even Newton said that science can give an indication but it takes scripture and bhakti yoga from Guru to experience the truth beyond doubt.

Send more news as you get it.  We had BIG university program last night and they liked citations like this very much!