Classical Vedic Astronomy - 101 - Lesson One

12 years, 3 months ago by saranga-das in Hot Topics

Dear Maharaj:

Namaste, etc.

1. What is a nakshatra? It is a group stars close enough to be called a constellation. There are 27 such groups that the moon moves through each month on a daily basis.

   ASA -  AGTSP  paoho.  Ooof!     Daily basis we have monthly movement.  !! ? Confusing!

However, when it comes to full moons, there are only 12 plus every 3rd year an extra one (adhik masa) in a single year. This can be very easily seen as the full moon moves through the 12 constellations of the zodiac (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, ..., Pisces) in one year's time; thus the Vedic constellations are portions of the 12 constellations of the zodiac.   ASA - Brother if you have a Day Job keep it. Your vebal description of optical motions are too

hard to follow. How can the full moon move throught the twelve signs of the Zodiac?  We thought that we moved through them one month at a time?

2. Go to and click on "Interactive night sky map" and when the button labeled "Start Astroviewer" click on that. Next, select Ecucador, Quito. Since Quito is located on the equator (which divides the northern hemisphere from the southern hemisphere of the Earth), this is a great place to watch the full moon advance each month through the 12 constellations of the zodiac.

3. You'll need the dates for the full moons so go to and select "Moon Phases"; then, select Equador, Quito for 2012. Plug these dates into astroviewer and you will see the advancing moon. This will show you that each and every full moon is uniquely identified with certain background stars; ie, the various constellations of the zodiac. Since the various nakshatras are foreign to us Westerners, the constellations of the zodiac work best for us as an introduction to the basic concepts of the lunar calendar.

4. You should also note that from Jan/09/2012 through Dec/28/2012 there are 13 full moons, starting and ending with the constellation of Gemini. Make sure you select constellation names, "latin" and that you select show celestial equator. It is important to note that the stars of the night sky are seen as comprising a sphere that surrounds the Earth globe.

5. Please let me know when you have completed lesson one. This will help you start your journey through the French Alps!

Ys, Saranga Thakura dasASA -  Whoop Whoop.  Co completely incomrehensible.   Why are you giving us 101  beofre 1AABC.   101 is for third year students!!    Laos the damn robot has a terrible internet connectin here in Guayaquil.  We cant even see what we ar typing until one minute ater we type it.    HpS Swami is cahint Japa acrooss the temple rom.  It is like Mayapura here.  We are abov eht Centinanial Plaza.  There is lots of fruit and lots of people to talk to .Do you get 16 rounds done before 10AM in the moringing?So nice to hear from you!!!!