Your Respnse to My Last Post dtd 10/23/2012

12 years, 3 months ago by saranga-das in Hot Topics

 HpS - ASA -- AGTSP paoho. It's interesting to hear your words. But we lack the general background to put too much action juice into them. If I told you that we have to meet with Laksmana agra Ja in about 45 minutes you wouldn't know if Laksmana was a man or a women, if it was in Lima or Chosika and what the topic was.
See what I mean? Your investigation is honestly very interesting and your reports of conversations with Sri-kara Das interesting! There are non-ISKCON Hindu panditas who also calculate the Adhik mas, no?
For example, we are now celebrating Vijaya-dasami, tommorrow. So I guess we could all agree that it is Dasami, but your conclusion is that this is a different month of the lunar calendar, no????

Dear Maharaj:

Pamho, AgtSP!

1. Sorry it has taken me so long to respond to your comments which I greatly appreciate. I have been adjusting to completing the year long medication regime which was so far successful but I won't know for sure until 12 months have past. Nonetheless, I was not up to par for awhile.

2. Regarding your comment about 10/24/2012 and celebrating Ramacandra Vijayotsava. As of 10/15/2012, the GBC calendar was back in sync with the proper stars and this holiday was correct.

3. Regarding your question about non-Iskcon Hindu pandits calculating Adhik mas. This is precisely the where the problem appears to lay. The common method is derived from Bhaskara II in the 12th century which uses the idea of lunar months and solar transits.

          HpS -  AGTSP     Hope your drugs help your service!   What is a Solar Transit?

This method uses the tropical signs of the zodiac and does not address problems with proper alignment of the vedic lunar months with their respective nakshatras. This is my whole point.

               HpS - What is a tropical sign?    What are Nakshatras?

4. I realize that I need to develop this material into an easy to visualize series of pictures which I will soon do. Sorry, I understand this is a difficult subject for a non-astronomer/astrologer. Hope this does it for now.

Yhs, Saranga Thakura das

            HpS - Does what for us now?    Ha!     Ha!     Ha(re)!           It is just like talking French to a Chinaman for us common folk!!!      Honestly.    You have to define the terms assuming you are starting with people who have a simple newspaper level of astronomical understanding.   Did you know that a 12AU7 was a dual pentode vacum tube?               -{:O)           More News!!!