Tungavidya dd reporting from Radha Kunda

12 years, 3 months ago by Tungavidya devi dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports



My dear guruji:

It is very good to read that your health is ok now, I thank Radha-Syam for that.

Almost finishing the most of Kartika, the most auspicious month  in the year, together with Purusottama this year.

I asked Mukunda Datta das, the headchief of the pujaris in Kirsna-Balarama Mandir, who is also in Vanaprastha Asrama, what should I do to please Krsna these two important months, and he told me:

"chant more rounds, eat less, do harinama, sadhu sanga, recite some prayers, do parikramas"

So, I tried to do all this, starting with mangala aratik at  home every day, reciting some astakams for our deities, Radha-Giridhari-Madana Gopal, then parikrama some days to Govardhana and some others only in Radha Kunda, eating only kicthri with vegetables grown in our garden, chapatis and some fruit in the evening, attending SS Mahanidhi Swami Maharaja lectures about Rasa Dance Lila and harinama through Radha Kunda at the end of the class, Damodarastakam at night at Gopalji Mandir, reading Srimad Bhagavatam and even by the mercy of Radharani, we had the excellent chance to make the dress for Haridev in his temple in Govardhan, near Manasi Ganga for Govardhan Puja Mahotsava.

                HpS - ASA ---   !!!!   !     !!  Wow!!!   Incredible!!!                     INCREDIBLE!

I have been chanting more rounds and when I am chanting I remember your words in Japa Joe "Are you chanting with joy and enthusiasm?" "Don't chant for chanting, chant because Krsna does like to hear you chanting" and sometimes I find that I am chanting only to finish my rounds, when that is the case, what can I do?

I rather stop chanting for a while until my mind stops flickerint but it is really difficult sometimes,  I ask Ragunatha Das Goswami to preach my mind to chant in a more fixed state of mind. but sometimes it doesn't happen. Please my dear guru maharaja, give me your mercy so I can get more fixed in my japa, gayatri and in my devotional service.

My four principles OK, fortunately in Radha Kunda the environment pulls us to do it, except for the monkeys that sometimes throw me to the water or snakes that sleep in my kutir or insects bitting me all the time.  I know that is Krsna's plan and I am only his instrument but at that moment I only get angry and don't think of Krsna or Radha. Unfortunately, I am still a very conditioned soul, please pray that some day I can trascend all these material things.

Thank you very much for your blessings and prayers to this fallen soul.

Your (trying to be humble) servant

Tungavidya dd

             HpS - ASA -    ........'o ..                   We only hope to get a small drop of your position some time in the future.    We all aspire to visit Hari-deva Mandir once in every five years, but it is just down the road from you!     You are so fortunate.  We can only appreciate your letters and hope to achieve the same destination some day.   Of course, we also have special mercy that no one else has, but this news of Vrndavana is the essence of everything.

We are in Santiago now as you can see from the DTCs.   Very nice Sankirtana here.  The devotees are so sincere.   We see that the WORLD is actually chaning. There is so, so, so much more vegetarian diet and acceptance of reincarnation. This is the basis.

Then comes Caitanya caritamrta.   Are you reading it!    We hope your war, rasa-lila, with the monkeys, snake and insects shows you as the winner.  Do you want to do what you are doing for ever?