Mar del Plata HARE KRSNA!!!!!

12 years, 1 month ago by Panca tattva das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Respected Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.


            HpS - ASA - AGTSP...

     All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

How are you Gurudev, Here we are under your lotus feet, trying to deeply understand your instructions...


                     HpS - We are in hell just like you unless we surrender to Krsna.  We want to do so many things "for Krsna", then we get into the mode of passion, attached to results and become rough with our body and mind and devotees who interfer with our path.   Grrrr!          Just chant Hare Krsna and adjust what you can do nicely for Krsna with the tools He gives us!


Last week we had the asosiation of SS Gunagrahi Swami it was very entusiastic!!! 

Things are going very good in Mar del Plata!!!! Taking care of Goura nitay deities (named: sara siromani)


          ASA - The Essence of Crest Jewels

Chanting Hare Krishna and studing NOI and BGita!!    I took a vow this kartik month,taking just raw prassadamand chanting 20 ronds a day. It´s amasing how I´m feeling, I much more contemplative, controling much more

my Kata and all my other senses, and I can see how my senses and mind were a complete chaos...

I realized how important is to make austerities.

I wish I could mantain this for ever...this crasy mind makes everthing so I forget my position..

please give my your blessings 

In the month of Dicember Mahajan Prabhu is traveling to Chile and He want me to take care of his deaties (Radika- Giridhari) for

all the month, you think is alright??


                 ASA -  Yes, seems fine to me.  You have contact with Adi-yajna Das in BsAs?  You are becoming a Goswami, like NOI 1?   Got letter from Ignacio with similar news of Mar.   Seems like you have nice situation, just have to all push little more to speed up your journey!!


please give me your protections!!!blessings !!!!! Bhakti!!!

HARI BOL!!!!!!!!!!!!



My birthday is on 11 of abril next year 36 yers old!!!!! closer to leave this body...

                       HpS - ASA - You are on the right path, now you have to just speed up...