Nitya Kisori dd reporting

12 years, 3 months ago by b.Natalia Molina in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva
Please accept my humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Our distribution at El Salvador:
18 Bhagavad Gitas
20 Journey to Self discovery
1200 small books

The street is difficult!     We did mostly universities, it was nice.
The last week we had a hard time, because Tani was sick and the vigilants didn't help to the sankirtan mouvement...

We had a pastime... We went to a university called Matias, and we entered to all the classrooms. The started at 9am and finished at 12:00. The same day, at 1pm, a student (girl) from this university was kidnapped and killed. She was fiancé of one friend of a devotee in the temple (we share the asrama with her). So when we knew that, we thought that we see hundrends of students in each university, but only some take the books, but we don't know what will happen to them after our sankirtan, maybe they will die in few hours! We don't know if we will die very soon, is so important to become devotee of Krsna, to have a connexion with Srila Prabhupada. So I pray I can become more conciouss of the value of my service, and I can increase my desire to give these books to everyone. I don't know if that girl took a book or not, I hope she did, but I think at least she saw or touch them.

On wednesday we return to Mexico. My parents are going to visit me on 26th November until 6th December. After that, more sankirtan on Srila Prabhupada's marathon.

I only hope I can get the inside essence of what I am doing, I hope to have your blessings.

Your servant, Nitya Kisori dd

               HpS - ASA -   AgtSP      Paoho.    Thank you for your news.    The whole of ISKCON is a Sankirtan movement at Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet. Whatever we do is by his mercy, no?  His feet don't just reflect our light, like the moon reflects light, but they shine with their own light and purify the heart, then we can see that everything is being controled by Krsna and try to use our abilities to join His work.

Very best regards to your good parents. We are in Santiago and hope that we can risk our lives like you and be empowered like you to communicate the Light of the Bhagavata.  We go back Lima two days after your parents leave.   But we will be there when they return.