% of Income of KC purpose

12 years, 1 month ago by harsh_horse in Hot Topics

Hare Krsna Maharaj,

PAMHO,      AGTSP,    Jay Srila Prabhupada.
   People like you only talk to fool like us due to compassion in your heart for us to enligthen us and save us from Andh Koopa of this world. This is causeless mercy is the only thing without which we can not progress a bit in our life in any direction esp direction towards Krsna. Thank you for enlightening us.

                 HpS - ASA  ---  AGTSP!

   We have learn many things from you oh holy sage.

                         ASA -  Oink!       Oink!

This esp from BHVAI class concepts. How is the calculation of 50% of our income for Krsna's Purpose. As far as our tiny self remember, you told some  calculation that from monthly salary, you deduct the rent etc and then you give certain % to  lord.
   Though the heirarchy of donation/spending for Krsna is not as important as the 4-16-SB. but its important so that Black witch does not bewilder us. Like Alfred Ford works hard to keep account of his money . We also want to keep account how much we are spending on Krsna especially.

To help to understand you esteemes self we give an example: If our monthly wage is $ 1000, so the fifty percent rule says we spend $500 on krsna rest for ourself. However in only $500 we can not afford to stay near the temple, as the rent/cost of apartment near temple is high around $450 permonth. On the other hand we pay this ren of $450 to stay near temple. Then manage in rest $550. So we spend on Krsna $225.

we know that you donot need example to understand what we are asking. But stil we gave example to clarify thing.
Awaiting response.
Insignificant Caballo

                HpS - ASA ----    Well...    50% is for preaching, sankirtana, Krsna,    25% for your "family"...  That should be your Vaisnava family as well as your biological family.  The devotees should help each other.    25 for personal needs.  That is the core family, wife you and baby, no?        Then you have to extract things that are not in your control again.   Like money you have to pay for doing your work that generates the income.   If you have to buy work clothes or live in a certain place then deduct that from your "Income".   Is not your income.

               Extra cost for living near the temple could be counted as  part of the 50%.             Like that we have to adjust what it means.       In NOI says that Rupa Goswami divided   50/25/25   his ACCUMULATED wealth,,   not his income.