12 years, 2 months ago by sarad-bihari-dasi in Calendar Development

 Hare Krsna Gurudeva ,please accept my obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada, all glories to you.

 Thank you very much for answering the previous mail, this mail is  to ask a few things of your coming , I wanted to know , since you are staying one week , how many conferences would  you like to do? I have two possible locations, and yesterday Nimai said he  could talk to the radio if you want to go again , as you want, if you need a rest, please let us know, we are here to serve , thank you very much for their daily association, really is helping me a lot, I send the link of the two  possibles places   if you can take a look to see what you think. who wants to serve sarad bihari dasi  
             HpS - Jaya!   AGTSP.  paoho.     We are working on the travel every few days.  There are always problems.     More important than where is to whom we will talk.    Who can that be?    We can even visit people, professors, artists, individually and do no lectures.  We can talk with the ISKCON devotees, but who else?        WHo,  WHO,, whO?    Please meditate on that for some time.  Dont think small!