Oh! Sankhya Scholar

12 years, 2 months ago by harsh_horse in Other

Hare Krsna Maharaja Pamho, AGTSP,

We are writing to you because you talk in terms in which we understand. We again feel sorry to distrub you with a non-sankirtana perspective. we need your help to be a sane human being, and moreover we think our question may help some body. 

1.In reply to one letter[1815] you wrote " The Temple is for b'cari training.  We should get a little bit of religious training, how to pray effectively, and how to live a simple civilized life - celibate, single or with children and wife.      But after that training unless we are Brahmanas we move out and serve in the community"

Maharaj you mentioned four things [1] religious training [2] how to live simple civilized life with wife and children [3] how to pray effectively  [4] serve the community.

Our concern now how to learn these 4 things when we are not in temple, esp in our condition...we are having big probelm with live with wife and children,( other three are also required)...
we attended some training sessions in Chowpatty, and they were talking of emotions, respect, care etc....

Maharaj can you cognitvely/sankhya explain/define of these words [emotions/respect/care] to us. We are getting hampered by this a lot we think in making relation with atleast devotees..---unfrotunately we grew up as loner worked as a loner so we are more of impersonalist---but i think which is not for householder life. now we need to work on our subtle body.. which section of scripture we should read more to work on our abilities....

We contacted mother Umila on Facebook. and got guidance from her she recommended two books [1] man of steel and velvet [2] men are mars and women are from venus..

we never knew that we would be non-sastric books... but seems there is no other alteranitve---we dont exepct u to solve our household life , but as sannyasi we expect that u will ahve better knowlege,realization and application of scripture...
we will keep it short -- we will try to make everything we ahve krsna sambanhe under ur guidance --NOI 3.

caballo tryint to be human

            HpS - ASA -   Hmmf!      AGTSP    paoho.      We had the same problem.  In the 1st level, 1st grade, report to our parents the teacher said, "Huber can accomplish huge quantities of work when he works alone".    Hmmm.  It's always been that way.   We have heavy Sannyasa karma.   It was stooooooooooopid for us to get married, but there was no option within the parameters of this Western industrialized life. Now we see B'cari and Sannyasa life can also be a part of culture.  Have you read "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"?  As I remember it is very, very nice.  It is the ideas of SB but in modern perspective, easier to apply.
          Report on the book but I think you and your good wife, family, will have to put up with a son, husband, who by nature is a civil deadman. Of course, the good aspect of this is that such people don't become adulterers.