Developing Accounting System

12 years, 4 months ago by harsh_horse in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaj,PAMHO,AGTSP

how are you ? How is your leg? We were reading KD and found that you want to Develop Accounting System for NIOS. Maharaj I somehow think i can help in this majorily because we have worked on MS-Excel quite a lot. Secondly we have read some accounting sys in our Buss Mgmt. If you think we can help please tell us. You can provide us your email address for sending excel files and getting feedback. We would be needing your guidelines to make this accounting system as these as generally organization dependent. Hari Bol. We write you more on other topics soon.

Graciad Senor,Cabalo

              Esteemed Harsh Pradhana Prabhu!!!   So nice to hear from you.  We hope your Grhastha Ashrama Tapasya is bearing fruits.        You saw our India calendar?  Manipur devotees have ticket to Imphal and are buying return ticket.  We can plan a good visit.  Maybe we take drum lessons!!!    Language lessons!!!

             Actually we have good Excel person.  Is developing the in-house protocols and getting everyone to follow them and relating to the banks peculiar traits that we are working on.  Is pretty good.  NIOS won't develop until we solve this. We need to do it amongst local devotees first.  Those who have physical contact.

What is your plan for your Ashrama?

           The PhD is practical thing?           Got a standard for Japa each day?   Number of rounds?        Regular program of reading?     Association of local devotees??????????????????