Hare Krsna Gurudeva

11 years, 6 months ago by sarad-bihari-dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, Please accept my obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada, all glories to you.
   im so  sorry write about these issues,  but i feel the need  to tell that 2 weeks ago I'm in the  worst moment that my body has suffered physically, with headaches, dizziness and  constant severe fatigue , went to the doctor ,but  she didnt say anything to me I will take  some blood tests ,i speculated that is  stress ,i took  several stress tests, and they all said that i have a big case of stress . O n the other hand the place wich mangalananda  was working close , so we are out of work just when we must renew our residency, many things happened this year , but still singing  16 rounds each day ,thanks to your  mercy, japa joe has helped me tremendously, and we continue the service  with the deities in the temple  once a week.
Hopefully we can be here when you come, we are beginning to organize your  coming  here ,little by little, we have seen several places where maybe you can  give  your  lectures, I hope your physical health is improving, again I thank you so much all the mercy that you give to us , who want serve you , Sarad Bihari Dasi.

                HpS - ASA -   AGTSP...    Thank you so much for writing with this news.  I think you can see that it is so common.  People with marriage problems, health problems, church problems.      This world is designed to...... Kill Us!         O.K.   Best use of a bad bargain.  Kill the demon in my heart the same time.   Hearing all this we feel that the biggest enemy is the advertisements on Television,  etc.   They all paint this picture that there is so much happiness in this world and if your not happy you should be ashamed and hide it.

     This world can be O.K.  like some one recovering from an auto accident in the hospital with tube in their arms, but if we are going to die that's O.K.   Krsna will take care of Mangala ananda and Radhe 16 times better than you ever could.  Uf we get news of your demise we will be happy!    "She's gone to Goloka!   She's getting things ready for all of us!"      Our respects for MADas....   Look for Krsna sending a better job or maybe pushing you to return to your home land!