Manipur Visit

12 years, 3 months ago by harsh_horse in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO,AGTSP
we wish we knew spanish and were in San Marcos program, we seriously want to attend such academic programs. Due to such events our desire to learn espanol becomes stronger....

coming to main point, we have booked our to arrive at Manipur on 9th March , your grace would arrive on 4th March. We were thinking to accompany you in different trips you will be making in Manipur. Our family wont come there. Will it be possible to give us contact details of person whom horse should contact for his stable.

Your inbound and out bound flights from Brussles, are from Bombay. If there is any change of plan in flights were you need to stay for some time, please bless our stable. and briddle this horse....

we would start hidden dimension by ET hall, he has also written ,any books....we also found a book time in Bhagavata Purana by Rick Jarrow. would be intresting to see authors contributions..

over and our senor,
Hare ram
horse of northen plains of india

    HpS - AGTSP  pamho.   Thank you for the news.  We have a letter from Manipur but haven't opened it yet...   I hope their confirmation of the dates is there.  We are still trying to contact Dr. Samaresh, but the proposed dates seem good.   We have your association in our pencil and will keep you (all) informed.