Wanted illegal Man in Mombay (Lmdas)

All glories to :
Bhaktivendanta Swami Prabhupada !
Sri Sri Nitay Gourasundar !
Sri Krishna Balaram !
Sri Radha Saymasundar ! 
Eternal service to your lotus feet dear guruji.
WOW!Better Health now, some problems with immigration here in Mombay, I could not travel(with police threat),the temple has helped me giving me all the necessary papers for the registration of foreign (FFRO).Just waiting krishna plan.
Preaches good Muslims here, they listen attentively, liked them bearded face, like a tiger say :) jajaja, details only among people 
I hope to be soon in Chile and raise my consciousness with you light.
Im calm, just a little anxious for this krishna test.
Maha mantra is my shelter and courage, Jay MahaBali Hanuman !!
I miss my bunch of monkeys in Vrindavan, i was the feeder jojoj 
My eternal admiration and help in your mission
Your servant
Lalita Madhava Das (illegal man) 
HpS - AGTSP   Oooof!   Paoho.    Lasr we heard you were near death with Dengue fever and then no more news.   Yes.   Relish Prabhupada's books.  Can even be song book.  One book are two.  Doesn;t have to be a great library and then preach, teach, when the opportunity comes.  Then, as we can give them books to read themselves that fixes the cooking.
Yes, we are in Chile in about two weeks!