Gaura Purnima dates - Conclusion

12 years, 4 months ago by saranga-das in Hot Topics

Namaste  Maharaja,  Jaya  Srila  Prabhupada!

1. Reference is made to my last post on this subject made July 2nd, 2012 (Posted 6:16 PM -0900 by saranga-das).

2. In final preparation to bring this subject to a higher level inside Iskcon GBC, I discovered that only six (6) full moons actually fall definitively inside the 12 signs of the Hindu sidereal (stars) zodiac. The remaining six (6) fall between 2 signs of the zodiac.  Of  those  in this  category, Gaura  Purnima  is one of them (nakshatra Pūrvaphalgunī in the actual time of Mahaprabhu's  birth).  In the other 2  years of the 3 year lunar  cycle,  Guara  Purnima  falls in the sideral zodiac of  Virgo and only in the final  year  falls in the zodiac of Leo.

3. However, if one looks at  the  constellations  in the night sky all of them fall in  Leo!  Don't be confused by this. Constellations   DO  NOT = Signs of the sidereal zodiac. The signs of the sidereal zodiac are defined in 30 degree portions of the celestial  equator  which totals 360 degrees. As an astronomer, I had to learn  this  fact  of Hindu  astrology. Good thing I carefully researched this. Therefore, as far  as  Gaura  Purnima  dates go, everything is  OK.

4. However, I did definitively discover  that  the method used to determine the lunar intercalation (adhika masa) was only right once from the period of Gaurabda  513 to 526. This  is  an  important discovery because from the time the GBC version of the Vaisnava  Gaurabda  calendar calculates the adhika masa (extra month) till the correct one, all the holidays of the lunar calendar are wrong! There is one partial exception and that has to do with Ekadasi. I say partial  because  the Ekadasi  is  OK except  for the named  Ekadasi.

5. For this  year, the  calculation  was  off only one month and as October 16, 2012  the lunar months  are as they should be.  In  other  years, the error is  greater but  never affected Gaura  Purnima  but 4 affected  Janmastami.  More on this  in a later post.

6. I hope this  clarifies  issues with the GBC  Vaisnava  calendar  thus  far examined.

Ys,  Saranga  Thakura  das

          HpS - ASA --  AGTSP   paoho.  It's interesting to hear your words. But we lack the general background to put too much action juice into them. If I told you that we have to meet with Laksmana agra Ja in about 45 minutes you wouldn't know if Laksmana was a man or a women, if it was in Lima or Chosika and what the topic was.
         See what I mean?  Your investigation is honestly very interesting and your reports of conversations with Sri-kara Das interesting!   There are non-ISKCON Hindu panditas who also calculate the Adhik mas, no?
          For example, we are now celebrating Vijaya-dasami, tommorrow. So I guess we could all agree that it is Dasami, but your conclusion is that this is a different month of the lunar calendar, no????