Realizing how small we are

12 years, 4 months ago by BhaktaAdrian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Bhakta Adrian, Utah, always hanging in there! :)

               ASA - !!!!   !                  !  (!)

With Reb having left again, I find it strange to say that I have been moving forward nicely in spiritual life. (at least compared to how I have been in the past) I am still keeping the same regulated schedule. Work, Gym, Yoga. I am able to chant all my rounds to get my day started.

There have been some major changes in this small temple. Two senior devotees have moved away, leaving only us youth to run the place. I have to say, it has gone beautifully so far. Tracy, the oldest of us, has been named temple president. Two other young men have moved into the temple. We get very little senior association, but somehow we manage to stay inspired. I humbly gave my first "Saturday Feast" speach. I take no credit for whatever good came of it. I didn't prepare very well, but I prayed and prayed that Paramatma would just speak through me. It was successful, but not by my efforts.

I have been put in charge of taking care of the deities!! It is the best part of my day. I wake them, do an offering, then get ready for my day, chanting my japa on my way into town. Then they are the last thing I see as I put them to sleep after I get home. I am feeling so blessed!

I am starting to see this world and myself through different eyes. I truly feel like Radha has bestowed some greatly undeserved mercy upon me. I am also still keeping a weekly update with Sri Hari Prabhu, trying to take my spiritual life more seriously and continue to move forward.

I just want to cry out to the Lord and his devotees for being so kind to me. I feel so fallen, but I am always so blessed by their mercy, and your mercy as well.


Your lowly aspiring Bhakta,


            HpS - Jaya!   AgtSP.       So nice to hear from you and news from Utah for all of us.      SO, SO, nice.     Yes, it is better to have a small, but regular Sadhana than being the Bhakti Yo-Yo.     UP_down-UP_down.        Wait for Rebecca.       She may be suffering from temporary insanity, or better yet resetting her life to relating to you as a devotee friend rather than trying to advance to Ghrastha ashrama two years too soon.   O.K.    You are on the path to first iniation!!!