All Glories to Srila Prabhupada !!
Please accept my humble obeisances
Dear Maharaja
Here we are in Montreal in the main library building to get wi-fi and work on some literary service. We kind of regret cutting our home internet mainly because of the on line programs you keep and we can`t attend. The library is 10 minutes walk so it`s not that bad for getting news. We pray for your health and thank the Lord for keeping you joyful and close to Vraja always. We are relishing the Bhagavatam First Canto slowly and constantly. As well as NOI and NOD and keep the Gita and Srila Prabhupada`s bio always at hand. Teachings of Lord Chaitanya is a deep strong delight kept for the most inspired times. And of course japa is our main duty so we keep fighting to get it done going to the Temple or going for a walk to the dharma-ksetres in Montreal (the park where Lord Jaghannata stays on Rathayatra, the first ISKON temple) we are fighting for the path, it don`t come easy but it`s full of nectarean bliss when we get it right. We miss the country side, the trees, the sun it puts us in the right mood, simplicity. News is we are going to Peru next February and March, we hope to see you there ! Are you going in March? We read some news about that but not shure.
ASA - AGTSP ..... Very nice news. You are living in Srila Prabhupada's kingdom. Did you know that he is your personal family relation? <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" /> Our Calendar is always at ... We'll be in Europe (Your Rope) and India in those months, but you certainly can meet the devotees in NIMSAR and Sattva and... then and help them!!
We began writing small poems to put our bhakti process on paper (thanks for the inspiration! we got it from your poems) and chanting, dancing to the deities the best we can. Here is a link of a bhajan we like to sing a lot, we think the Deities like it. We do our best.
HpS - ASA - I think you mis spelled youtube... but we will try.
we hope to play Quena with you or/ for you and share some Harinam Sankirtan soon !
your servant
Raul GC
HpS - ASA --- Yeah! Are you going to take initiation by Srila Prabhupada's mercy?? Seems to us that this is exactly what you need, a formal compromiso. The Youtube link was fine. Is nice song. Popular Brijabasi song. No comment about it from Prabhupada??