Pamho! AgtSP!
Hare Krishna Gurudeva! Some time no reporting with you but allways in touch through this wonderful blog nd the asa. Life goes on in Bs As. Working much selling prasadam with my wife yasodamayi, nd giving yoga classes in the houses of some people. 2 weeks ago it was a big event "meditacion por la paz del mundo" organized by the art of living of sri sri ravi shankar, there we have a stand of prasadam, and it was wonderful,like 2000 people ate prasadam nd like 40 SP books distribuited,many devotees help a lot.(attached photos)
ASA - Jaya!!!! Jaya....
Also studying counseling psychology ,interesting perspective,vision, but also allways to much empirical speculation. Some times willing to leave everything,missing much the dham, to be allways enganged in krishna conscious activities/relationships.
sadhana: 4 principles allways stable, sttruggling to finish my 16 round every day, gayatris OK. Some dificulties to wake up after 6:30 am.
I m planning to go visiting you in santiago in november to get inspiration nd you mercy. Hope your health continue improving.
your servant,
Madhavendra puri Das
HpS - ASA --- {:O)+ So nice to see you. We hope you get good association and good project in Sankirtana. Of course, Kali yuga is so crazy that things, projects are always changing. but we can also become very expert at the "project" of yare dekha tare kaha krsna upadesa....!